Trust is our key to enhancing our credibility and standing with our employees, clients and partners. Our relationships with customers are built on solid foundations based on honesty, receptivity, and loyalty, which has enabled us to form strong and long-term relationships with them.
Respect remains a core value for the sustainability of our company. It is essential to ensure the smooth running of our work.The integrity of all employees, customers and partners is enhanced thanks to shared respect, which in turn contributes to improving individual and collective performance.
Transparency is the most prominent feature of our relationship with our employees, customers and partners.Each of our contributors must share all information as is and within the framework that the situation imposes. SOTECA Electric has implemented an efficient information system that is accessible to the personnel whose work scope is concerned. This system enables all contributors to coordinate their efforts and to facilitate the flow of information.
All of our employees are responsible individuals, capable of managing their tasks and functions properly.Our staff has the right and is encouraged to share proposals for improvement and constructive ideas with management in order to develop the parent company or the subsidiary to which they belong.Our behavior is consistent with our commitment and we bear responsibility and accountability for our actions.
The main value of SOTECA Electric is its continuous quest for innovation and state-of-the art technologies, as well as adopting technological developments to offer better and more reliable products and services to its customers.

SOTECA Electric gives great importance to the quality policies, it has installed a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, in order to ensure the satisfaction of the customers and meet their needs within the set deadlines and with lower costs.